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Can We Hang On to Our Life Preserver?

Many people believe in the 'extra-biblical' saying of John Calvin, "Once Saved Always Saved". In fact, this phrase has become so indoctrinated into people that they believe this to be an actual 'biblical passage', which it is clearly not.

Salvation is a continuing process much like repentance is. Salvation is not a means to an end, it is the end that justifies the means.

In other words, if you fell off of a ocean liner in the middle of the ocean the outlook on your future life would seem dismal at best. Chances are the rest of your life would be very short and end by you drowning.

IF however someone on board of the ship spotted you in the water and threw you a life preserver, this could save your life.

We would have the freedom of choice to grab hold of the life preserver and hold on until we are out of danger.... and of course we would also have the option of not accepting the life preserver, or, after grabbing hold of the life preserver, choose to let it go

Jesus Christ is our 'Life Preserver'.

He gives us the option to accept or reject Him, however the option to reject Him seems as insane as rejecting a water rescue at Sea.

Until we pulled on board the ship we are still in the water and still in danger. We still have the option of letting go of the life preserver and there are still many obstacles we must overcome.

Jesus commands that we, having found the way to safety, tell others of the way to safety so that they may also have the option of grabbing hold.... but Salvation is only for those who accept the way to life and are willing to hang on for dear life

Journal of Life

Desiring,Discovering,Defending Logos

If your fetus could communicate, what would he say?

July 16th - Today my life began. My parents don't even know it yet. I'm as small as a seed of an apple, but I'm me already. I'm a boy already. I'm going to have brown hair and deep brown eyes. Just about everything is in place, even that I'll love Football.

July 21st - Some say I'm not a real person yet, that only my mother exists. But I am a real person, just like a crumb of bread is still bread. My mother is, and I am.

July 28th - My heart began to beat today, all by itself. From now on it will beat for the rest of my life without ever stopping to rest.

After many years it will tire. It will stop, and I will die.

August 7th - I'm getting bigger every day. My arms and legs are starting to take shape. It will be awhile before I can run and catch passes! but till that time my mothers arms will hold me.

August 16th - OH boy! I have fingers that are taking shape! These will help me catch, to write, to work and to clasp my hands into those I'll love.

August 21st - Today the doctor finally told my Mom that I'm living here inside of her. I know my Mom is so excited! Are you happy?

August 25th - My Dad was told today, I can't wait for him to teach me to run and catch and pass and shave. I wonder if he played football? I wonder if I'll be as good as him?

August means Divine Gifts... I hope my Dad knows who's giving me as His gift.

September 24th - I wonder if my Mom can feel my heart?

I know some babies come into the world sick, then God uses doctors to make everything better.

My heart is beating so well! - I'm going to be OK. I'll be a healthy baby boy Mom!

August 28th -

Today my mother killed me.

Abortion; When does life begin?

"Jeremiah, I am your Creator, and before you were born, I chose you to speak for me to the nations." ~ Jeremiah 1:5

Jesus Hated Bank Fees!

As a person entered Herod's Temple precincts, they could proceed upward and inward toward the interior and top. As people would pass through a subsequent level of precincts they would walk through the various courts. Each level would also signify a higher level of 'sanctity'. Thus, the lowest and outermost level was open to everyone who wished and was therefore known as the "Court of the Gentile's".

Following the Chronology of Jesus' life as told by Luke, we see mention of Jesus visiting Herod's Temple a few times. The first time, we see Him displaying the uncharacteristic wisdom of a 12-year old in Luke 2:42,47-48.

Cleansing of the Temple

Luke 19:45-48
Eighteen years later, Luke recounts another visit by Jesus to Herod's Temple. This is towards the beginning of Jesus' public ministry and he's a fully grown 30 year old man.

Now, it's easy to assume that Jesus is utterly disgusted with the whole 'Bazzar' atmosphere, but this is confusing when we consider that this had been the custom during Jesus' entire life.
We may assume that Jesus hadn't become angry prior to this instance as an example of God's instruction for us to be slow to anger.
Or, maybe we assume that Jesus was just not able to show His wrath because He hadn't been physically capable of doing so as a 12 year old boy?
This however would be be a wrong assumption even if we are to discount the fact that He has always been the Almighty God. Consider that His wisdom was shown to be well beyond His years in Luke 2:42,47-48, we can't assume that His physical abilities were not also well beyond His years as well.

So, what could it have been that set off Jesus' anger at this particular moment?

At some point, it had become a rule that the only money accepted in Temple ceremonies was Jewish and Tyrian money. A rule that prohibited the use of foreign currency in the Temple would mean that the Greek and Roman gentiles could no longer purchase items from the vendors. Obviously this was not only inconvenient for the gentiles, but the vendors who had always earned their living by selling their goods would also lose out many potential customers.

In order to resolve this issue, enterprising individuals became money-changers who would accommodate the needs of the vendors by enabling their customers to spend. Of course, like the shop keepers, the money changers also needed to make a living. This could be first recorded account of Bank Fees!

I think we can all relate when Jesus proclaimed them (banks) to be like thieves, lit.~ robbers Luke 19:46.

This account is also reiterated in Mark 11:15-19, Matthew 21:12-17; and John 2:13-25

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